Diana Abramenko | Student, Law department

Diana Abramenko| Local on-site Group, Novogrudok/Belarus

My name in Roman culture belonged to the goddess of the hunt and the forest. Coincidentally, I really enjoy spending time in nature and studying history. That is why the project #LivingMemorial attracted me.
Ever since school I was interested in the history of partisan resistance. I read a lot of books, watched a lot of films about the war. I was always surprised how in such terrible conditions people not only survived, but also started families and, in principle, found happy moments. This shows the strength of their spirit and the steadfastness of their aspirations. Through the project, I want to immerse myself in the history of the Belski brothers and understand how they were able to organize such a camp and give so many people a roof over their heads.


See Diana's land-art installation created in the Naliboki forest during our first on-site meeting in Belarus (8-14 August 2021): VIDEO